this year the designvomdorf is taking place for the 29th time. we have been able to celebrate exquisite handicrafts with them 28 times in our home, workshop and garden. we would be lying if that didn't make us a little proud. what once started small has now become an integral part of our annual planning and the special thing is - for many of them, too, the first weekend in november is reserved for a detour to ekern. when the surrounding streets are lined with countless cars and people admire, marvel and, from time to time, boldly buy things in our area in the autumnal weather, we know that all the work and passion invested have once again been worth it. designvomdorf has become not only handicrafts but also a mixture of tasty cuisine and friendly sociability. sociability is the key word, because without you as a reliable audience none of this would be possible. we would like to thank you for your attendance and your appreciation for the creative crafts and our organization of this event.
let's take a look at our collection of previous designvomdorf invitations!